They are simple bellboys whom they invoke to some
Operation of the window.
They are components that have two states (activated,
deactivated) and that the user can change.
They are component in which is a value, that is chosen
between a list of possible values.
It is a text that appears in the window but it cannot
change the user to it.
It is a component that shows a group of registries, formed
by several fields, in tabular form (although they can be editable by
the user, is not advisable which they change. It is better than
the registry is selected, and soon it is published. The tables
have in addition certain own functions, (like exporting, printing,
Field of texto(TextField)
It is a field where the user can write information.
They are spaces that other panels contain.
They are similar to the TextField but the changes are
limited (for example, a number increases or only diminishes of one and
one, or one date goes day to day).