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JRFramework is programming enviroment for rapid development of bussines applications in Java.

The main idea consists in a XML file that describes the application, and a set of services that provide the business methods.

The XML file is generated by an application (the Modeler) that allows to develop prototypes in an easy way and without any knowledge of methodologies, Java, EJB or Java.

This XML file is executed by an application (the Runner) that could be implemented in different platforms, including versions in light client (WEB)

The design of the applications is based on defining each application as a set of "Use Cases" . The use cases are defined as a set of Windows . The Windows has a Panel and a set of calls to Operations . In the definition of operations, the Windows navigation to to other Windows is indicated.

Method of development of applications

The analysts analyze the problem, and identify the entitys (or objects) of the scope of the application. After that, enumerates the use cases (or conversations) of the application. They uses the Modeler and they create the identified use cases.
According to each use case, define the windows than compounds it.
Foreach window they defines his contents (its components), the services that could be called from each window, and navigations to to other Windows depending of the results of the services calls.
In order to of describes the appearance the window they are possible to be described to specific Windows (that soon will have to program itself) or the defined panels of general uses are used previously. Also to designer of screens could be used who includes to modeler. These screens uses components of low level (button, label, checkBox, table…) that plows integrated with the application.

The analyst, eleven made the definition of Windows, goes to the programming equipment that is in charge to implement the services that lack to do and to make the components specific that plows necessary.

Eleven finalized the development (with its corresponding tests) the putting in good condition is very simple, since to jar with the description of the marries of uses goes solely to the operation surroundings (xml), with the especificos components, the services, and the icons and groups of this application. Classpath of ' runner' of operation is added, and there am is already available for the clients, without affecting to other applications.

AT low level, the execution is possible because several tecnicas and librerias plows used that facilitates all the process.

In the first pleases to undocking in the applications is obtained, just ace the principle of MVC (Modelo-Vista-Controlador), the to controller is to to runner and the XML that describes the you marry of uses, the services Vista plows the panels of the Windows and the model is the that plows called and formed the business methods.

for to marries of uses, we have separated the navigation of the logic of the program. Just ace in ' for Struts' the applications for WEB, we defined each window to that services dog call and to that Windows will go according to the results.
The components of the window (panels) and the methods of business (services) communicate, solely through to ' Contextó (just ace in ' struts ') under that connections estan very slightly and plows interchangeable and facilemente re-usable.

if we defined the panels using our to publisher, it allows U.S. to uses simple components without programming them (label, textfield, button, combobox). The trick is in which these widgets envian to their data (contained, selection…) to the context, and to other components have ' listeners' on the context, under that if the context changes, they update to their information. This way the components envian data to the services, and these envian data to the Windows.
This way we defined the Windows, with the interaction between the components, and the interaction with the services, without programming nothing.

Implementation of the services.

The services plows classes java that plows called. In the interface simply it is necessary to take from the context the dates that the service needs and to make the process. The result must leave it in the context. In addition it must leave to result that soon will be used for navigation between Windows. These classes interface plows very simple to do and allow to uses services AT 2 or 3 levels, allow to uses EJB, WebServices, etc…

It seems that it remains short.

Indeed, surroundings plows single, just ace the ' for Struts' an application WEB, it is not an application in himself. Simply it needs BASIC components and services according to the type of application to make.
It needs interfaces with Hibernate, with JDO, with EJB or with which it is wanted to uses.

Where it goes to…

Then they plows possible to be to añadir execution in java in the components, that is to say, that we dog add to component fragments of I cosay java to execute segun certain events (they onOpen, onSelect, onPress, etc..) under that the applications plows similar to PowerBuilder, VisualBasic, Delphi, etc.. but in Java.

Also to component dog be added ' Catalogued that it there are information on the elements, the fields, the types, the you procase out of visibility, etc.. under that the panels (and the tables) plows in ' run-timé without having to change ningun program (to neither xml, nor nothing). That is to say, changing ' it catalogued we changed the fields that to appear when publishing to certain organization. With this catalogues the development is much dwells fast, because when defining Windows or panels, it is not necessary to enumerate the fields and to their types, but that the catalogues does for all the Windows.

To do…

Lack to make the catalogues and to make an implementation of him.
Lack to make applications of test in different surroundings (2, 3 levels, Web services, ejb, jdo....)

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